Before I got married ten years ago; it was established that I would not be cooking. I was really bad at it and Patrick wasn't. Simple. When Tia was 18 months we got cable T.V. and I fell in love with the Food Network. Particularly, Everyday Italian with my culinary inspiration-Giada De Laurentiis (prounounced "Joda"). I would put Tia down for a nap, grab some lunch and go on a food vacation.
I have always been a creative type who likes to experiment. Supplied with knowledge of food science, I was motivated to test the waters in my kitchen. At first samplers reluctantly tried my food, then suprisingly enjoyed it. I fell in love with food and all the possibilities. Food reminds me of books. With a finite number of ingredients (letters) you can create art. That ignites me!
I usually love most movies that incorporate food, ie. Spanglish and It's Complicated. In the latter, Meryl Streep's character is a cafe owner/chef who makes Lavender and Honey Gelato. I wanted some pronto! I looked and looked- some contenders; but no winners. Lavender can impart an herbaceous quality that can be off-putting. I found a solution!
Instead of mixing in lavender to the creation, I scented it; creating the essence without that funny throat taste. First, I scooped about a cup of vanilla ice cream into a glass container. Next, I put about four drops of lavender oil into a tiny medicine cup and placed it right in the scooped vanilla. Lastly, I placed in the freezer for 24 hrs. The result is perfumed ice cream, mmmmmm! I didn't drizzle any honey on top because my ice cream is already nicely sweetened; but if I used say a less sweetened yogurt base I would. Lavender is still an acquired taste, you may love it like I do, or hate it like my husband did. Try it with other essences, if you prefer, ie. ginger or peppermint. It is a subtle way to add flavor!
Have you ever "created" a recipe you LOVE?!